Firstly, we need to remind our mind that 32-bit OS only allow 2048Gb to recognize. Such as Windows XP 32-bit or Windows 7 32-bit it only can handle 2048Gb because of the virtual drives. But, that assumption will be disappear when you download the special utility just for Gigabyte motherboard. If you want see the further about this utility you can find it here.Even this utility very useful it only support for high-end motherboard model based on Intel X58, Intel 6 series, and AMD 8 series chipset, but don’t worry that it’s in the process of being ported to older chipset models so that it will support in all motherboard that already in market.
For further information about all Gigabyte utility, new BIOS, and the other you can find it on their official website here or on their blogspot site here.
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